Large format printing can make your message stand out from the crowd. Are you promoting an event or new product line? Would you like to increase brand recognition? Do you need an on-site large format printer to speed up a construction project? Read on for five real-life large format printing applications you won't want to miss.
1. Large Format Vehicle Graphics
Whether your company owns just one vehicle or an entire fleet, you're missing out on a valuable opportunity if you don't use them to promote your brand. Try printing your logo and message on large format vehicle wraps to let your fellow commuters know about your company. The next time they're in the market for your product or services, your colourfully wrapped vehicle will bring your company to mind.
2. Send the Right Message
It's not overstating the case to say that your signage is one of those make-or-break opportunities. An amateurish, low-budget sign sends the message that you're not entirely sure how long you'll be in town. On the other hand, well-designed signage says your company has the confidence to stand the test of time. Large format printing takes your business signage to the next level—a level that speaks success.
3. Architecture, Engineering, and Construction
The AEC industry has a long history of large format printing, and for good reason. From schematics and blueprints to site plans and maps, large format printing brings detail and quality to critical documents.
4. Community Pride
Does your community have an auspicious event on the horizon? Large format printing can help you promote and celebrate the occasion with banners, presentation panels, cardboard cutouts, flags, and murals.
5. Control Your Artistic Destiny
Artists and photographers can control colour, tone, and shading and experiment with new substrates with on-demand large format printing.
To learn how you can benefit from large format printing, contact us at Inland Technology today!