Take advantage of the Before and After School Care Equipment and Facilities Grant Program with Inland Technology, your local authorised SMART partner.
The NSW Government has committed $120 million to ensure the availability of before and after school care services to parents with children enrolled in the state's public primary schools. As part of the infrastructure fund that was announced under this commitment, the Equipment and Facilities Grant Program has been introduced.
The objective of the grant is to increase the number of approved before and after school care services in NSW. The grant program will support schools and services to fund equipment and facilities that enable new services to establish and existing services to expand.
Applicants are able to seek up to $30,000 for their project, with applications assessed based on the level of demand for Outside School Hours Care and how well the proposed project will address the issue.
Applications are open until 31st of January 2021. Inland Technology are more than happy to assist with grant applications, so contact our team today to discuss your school’s new SMART Technology.